Thursday, May 26, 2011

50 New TOEFL Vocabulary Words

OK TOEFL people! Here are 50 more words for TOEFL..... we are working our way through the "A"s, keep coming back for more!

101. AMPLIFY v. to enlarge; make more important; exaggerate.
102. AMUSING adj. entertaining; pleasing; humorous; facetious.
103. ANALOGOUS adj. similar; corresponding; comparable.
104. ANARCHY n. absence of government
105. ANCESTOR n. someone you are descended from, forefather.
106. ANCIENT adj. very old; existing long ago.
107. ANCILLARY adj. subordinate; auxiliary.
108. ANGUISH n. extreme pain; torment; regret 

109. ANIMOSITY n. hatred; enmity
110. ANNEX v. to take control of
111. ANNOUNCE v. to proclaim, give notice of, declare.
112. ANOMALOUS adj. irregular; abnormal
113. ANTAGONISTIC adj. hostile; adverse; opposed
114. ANTECEDE v. logo before; precede.
115. ANTICIPATE v. to expect; foresee; realize ahead of time
116. ANTIQUATED adj. old-fashioned; outmoded.
117. ANTITHESIS n. direct opposite.
118. ANXIOUS adj. worried; uneasy; eager.
119. APATHY n. indifference; lack of emotion.
120. APERTURE n. an opening; orifice
121. APPALLING adj. horrifying; frightful; shocking.
122. APPEAL v. to request urgently; be attractive or interesting.
123. APPEASE v. to placate; soothe; pacify
124. APPEND v. to add as a supplement; attach.
125. APPLAUD v. to clap; express approval; praise.
126. APPOINTMENT n. a position or assignment; arranged meeting; rendezvous.
127. APPRAISAL n. an estimate of value; an evaluation, assessment
128. APPREHENSION n. dread; understanding.
129. APPRISE v. to inform
130. APPROPRIATE adj. suitable; proper; fitting.
131. APPROXIMATELY adv. nearly; almost; about
132. AQUEOUS adj. watery; formed by water.
133. ARBITRARY adj. determined by whim; despotic.
134. ARBITRATE v. to judge; decide a dispute.
135. ARCHAIC adj. no longer in use; antiquated
136. ARCHETYPE n. original model; prototype.
137. ARCHIVES n. repository for records; public records, historical documents.
138. ARDENT adj. intense; fervent; zealous; passionate&
139. ARDUOUS adj. strenuous; wearisome; difficult
140. ARGUMENTATIVE adj. disposed to agree; disputatious; contentious.
141. ARID .adj. dry; lacking moisture; lifeless; uninteresting.
142. AROMA n. a fragrance; agreeable odor.
143. AROUSE v. to excite; awaken; stimulate; provoke; kindle.
144. ARRANGE v. to put in order; settle; plan
145. ARREST v. to take to jail; to seize; stop; prevent
146. ARROGANT adj. overly proud; haughty.
147. ARTICLE n. a separate item; a non-fictional literary piece.
148. ARTICULATE adj. able to speak; dearly and distinctly expressed
149. ARTIST n. someone who creates art or beautiful things.
150. ASCENDANT adj. rising; dominant

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